via video conference with Zoom

Online visit

You can visit the museum at your place via video-conferencing, wherever you are in the world, as long as we can find a time slot that suits everyone. Write to us for more details and to make a booking.

Virtual Guided Tour

Like our guided tours at the museum, we look at all the different alcoves, with images, to observe the most pertinent points of each section.

This generally lasts an hour, even if sometimes it does go a little longer.

The price is to be paid in advance by Paypal: the same as for a guided visit at the museum, that is, 11€ per person, but with a minimum of 2 people. 

Virtual Workshop

We have workshops around various themes, but the most successful  and all-encompassing of these is the one on Linguadiversity – why we are losing a language per month, on average, and what we are losing in terms of sounds, words and even grammar.

A short interactive hour, finishing off with the phono quiz, to guess which language is being spoken.

The price is to be paid in advance by Paypal: 11€ per person, with a minimum of 2 people. 

Virtual Games Session

We have developped about 50 games that we can play with you on the screen via video-conference. A few examples : which language goes with which country; British English – American English; proverbs compared in English, French and Spanish; brandnames that become words; and the Indo-European language tree. The level is chosen depending on who is playing. 

Generally one hour, or slightly longer. 

The price is to be paid in advance by Paypal: 11€ per person, with a minimum of 2 people. 

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