English Conversation Club
10 Rue Servandoni 75006 Paris

The Idea: In our foreign language studies, at school or at home, most of us have learnt the grammar rules, vocabulary and even pronunciation, but very often, we don’t have the chance to practise speaking and listening in real life situations. The idea of the conversation club is to give members this opportunity, by discussing interesting and current topics,  in small, informal groups, such as the place of France in the European community, alternative  energy  forms,   immigration,  favourite  holiday destinations, etc. These are just a few suggestions out of hundreds of possibilities, including your own. There are also sometimes videos and guest speakers to add to the variety.

The « teacher »: Despite an English teaching qualification (RSA Cambridge Certificate of Teaching English to Adults ­ quite a mouthful  !)  and  lots  of  classroom  and private  teaching experience, your teacher in the conversation club is not a teacher but rather a facilitator or guide, with occasional corrections, vocabulary where necessary,  (with spelling  if desired), and answers to any questions (relating to the English language !)

When and Where: Really central,  in the 6th arrondissement, between St Sulpice church and the Luxemburg gardens (metro St Sulpice,  Mabillon or  Luxemburg;  there  is  rather  expensive underground parking at Place St Sulpice), meetings take place in the Mundolingua Museum of Language, Languages and Linguistics.

Your membership entitles you to come and go any time on Monday and Wednesday between 7pm and 9pm

You can come from 1 hour per month to 4 hours per week, as you wish, and as it suits you.

Enrolment: Come along to one of the sessions ­ the first one that suits your timetable ­ and if you like the idea, you can join by paying 75 Euros for the month. You are then free to come and go as you please during the sessions for the full month.

Any further information you may require is available from Mark, Tel:, contact@mundolingua.org
Looking forward to seeing you soon !